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My name is called Jack. I was born in the year May 5th, 2005 at Winjo Village Muhuru East, Nyatike Sub County, Migori County. My father was called Michael. The late Michael died on the 1st of July 2009. I was sponsored by NGO (Lalmba) when I was five years old. They have looked after me until I reached standard eight.

This time I had a single parent, so I remained with my mother only and she is poor, as poor as a church mouse. I want to take this occasion by telling you that this time I am going to work so that I can achieve my goals.

In my final examination that is here 2019, I promise that I am going to pass with three hundred marks and above. Besides that, I would also have to pass my final interview that will held in Matoso Health Centre.  

My request is, I want to hand over myself to you so that you can take for me school fees this year. Thank you.

Help students in Matoso get the education they need to change their lives, their families, and their communities.

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Registered Charity Number 723646683 RR 0001