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I was born in the year 2005 from the family of Willis and Lilian. Willis died in the year 2013. As my dad left my mother, we were two children. We were poor and nothing could my mother do. My going to school was so difficult, nowhere could my mother find the school fees. She was just farming in a small piece of land and the land was now unfertile. As I was in a poor family, Lalmba people came to our place and talked with my mother. We were so glad when Lalmba people gave us the requirements: blanket, maize, uniform, school fees and health. Lalmba people havev helped me until I am going to finish my education this year and my brother. I thank them for taking care of our lives. I am going to join form one and I am aiming to get 300 in my KCPE. My mother doesn’t have money for taking me to secondary. I need Lalmba people to help me finish my education and to help other people. I am thanking God for helping my family.

Help students in Matoso get the education they need to change their lives, their families, and their communities.

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Registered Charity Number 723646683 RR 0001