Donate to Our Walkers

Bev Hooper

Test Walker

My name is Bev Hooper, and I am the President of Lalmba Canada. I am thrilled and honoured to once again be co-leading Lalmba Canada's team of walkers on this great adventure. This will be my fifth walk all in support of our student bursary/scholarship program. Our students are some of the most appreciative, hopeful, and motivated young individuals I have ever met who require our financial support in order to complete their high school education. I can't wait to take our first steps on November 8, 2024, the hardest part now is waiting until it starts! I live in Victoria, BC and enjoy lots of dog walks, hiking, and gardening.

Thank you so much for supporting our team, and most importantly our students!!!

Help students in Matoso get the education they need to change their lives, their families, and their communities.

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Registered Charity Number 723646683 RR 0001