Donate to Our Walkers

Enabling Youth with Some of the Highest of Needs to Continue their Education. Youth who Would Simply not be able to Attend Secondary School or Vocational College Without this Support.

Donate & Change a Life

Providing Necessary School Supplies Including School Uniforms - Uniforms Which Blur the Lines Between Those Students Who Have and Those Who do Not.

The Cost of Education

A Safari Like No Other, Tembea Na Mimi (Walk With Me) is a Walking Safari across Kenya’s Rift Valley to Lalmba’s project in Matoso, Kenya. We will walk to raise awareness and funding for Lalmba Canada's student scholarship program. NEXT WALK NOVEMBER 2024!

Read more & register

Change a Life

Support children who have dreams and ambition, who are driven to succeed and change their future and the future of their community.

These vulnerable children are living in extreme poverty in Matoso, Kenya and its surrounding areas.  Matoso is a remote village that has been called “the end of the road”.

Link to video of The Pathway out of Poverty

Your gift of just over a dollar a day ensures that they have the ability to continue their education into secondary school and vocational college.

Help students in Matoso get the education they need to change their lives, their families, and their communities.

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Registered Charity Number 723646683 RR 0001