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Our Board

Lalmba Canada Board of Directors

Bev Hooper, President, Lalmba Canada

Bev Hooper with studentsI was first introduced to Lalmba during a walk that I completed in 2017 with Lalmba Association across southwest Kenya to the village of Matoso. A walk that guided me across some of the most beautiful scenery and wildlife in the world, while at the same time witnessing extreme poverty as we progressed through rural Kenya. Once I arrived in Matoso, I met the people in the community and saw firsthand the dire need that they all face on a day to day basis. I met the students and realized how incredibly motivated they were to continue with their education in order to further provide for themselves and their families. I am so proud to now be representing them and working to help make their dreams a reality.

Kathy Moore, Vice President, Lalmba Canada

My decision to join Tembea Na Mimi 2019 was one of the most meaningful decisions I have ever made, and came at just the right time, for me. I really didn’t know what to expect, as we all walked across the vastKathy Moore Masai Mara towards this place called Matoso - a rural village nestled on the shores of Lake Victoria. After ten of the most amazingly tough days of my life, I have truly fallen in love with the culture, the people, and the land where Lalmba has grown its roots. I am very proud to now be the Vice President of Lalmba Canada, and even more proud to call everyone involved, my family.

Moyo wangu ni wako

Thea Nation, Board Member, Lalmba Canada

Thea NationJambo. In the spring of 1989 after a couple of years searching for an overseas volunteer project in Africa, I came upon a small American NGO in Colorado called Lalmba which translates to “A Place of Hope”. The NGO was started in the early 1960s by Hugh and Marty Downey and subsequently handed over after 50 years to Jeff and Hillary James in 2013. After spending a weekend in Colorado that spring being “checked out” by Hugh and Marty and miracle of miracles being accepted, I flew out to Sudan in August at the age of 38 and spent two glorious life-changing years! My brother Michael joined me 6 months later as project director - a big-time bonus! I went over as an RN but realized very quickly that although my skills as a nurse were utilized in the most basic sense in the public health realm (immunizations, baby clinic, food program) my principal function was using my presence as a representative of the outside world to ensure the refugees received all supplies and services they were due. I witnessed firsthand how a small NGO could affect change at the grassroots level. In 2015 brother Michael and I joined the 1st Tembea Na Mimi Lalmba fundraiser. It was yet another experience of a lifetime.

I am most honoured to be able to continue in a supportive role for the Canadian arm of Lalmba and their scholarship program, nurturing the bright, capable, and deserving young women and men who will become the future leaders of Kenya. Our name truly exemplifies a place of hope.

Paul Coronica, Treasurer, Lalmba Canada

Help students in Matoso get the education they need to change their lives, their families, and their communities.

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