Donate to Our Walkers


I am from Ongorro Village. I am 14 years old. My father died when I was in class 4, at the age of 10 years old. He died in the 2015. Lalmba Association sponsored me in the year 2018. Whereby they started providing me with different things like a uniform every year, maize, mosquito net, blanket, and treating us without paying any amount when I’m sick. We are thankful for your support and encouragement because if it could not be you we could not reach where we are.  I am very excited that I have finished my Kenya Certificate of Primary Education and you are still supporting me. I am still asking for higher assistance from you.

Help students in Matoso get the education they need to change their lives, their families, and their communities.

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Registered Charity Number 723646683 RR 0001